
The Benefits Of Herbal Tea And Weight Loss

Perhaps you have heard about weight loss herbal tea and its many benefits. But for those who haven't, I want to talk about how herbal tea is helping people with their weight loss program.

Herbal tea, or green tea, is generally made with a combination of black tea and Chinese green tea oolong. The ingredients formed together in water when the tea is made.

Some of the known benefits of drinking herbal teas for weight loss include:
  • Increased metabolism
  • Reduced cholesterol
  • Digests fatty foods easier
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Suppresses the appetite

As you can see, these are some very good benefits, but before you run off though and begin drinking it by the gallon, there are some things to be aware of.

Too much green tea can lead to some very unpleasant side effects such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Cramps
  • Nausea
  • Fainting

Like anything else, moderation is always the key. Also, make sure that any herbal tea you buy is FDA approved.

This is only a brief overview on the benefits of using herbal teas with a weight loss program. I will try to review some of the various types of herbal teas available in future posts as I try some of them out.

Green tea is also an option in the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Plan. You can find out much more on this program by going to Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Weight Loss And Food Cravings - What You Should Know

Food cravings and weight loss unfortunately do not work well together. They are a dieter's worst nightmare to say the least. It's also a big reason why most people fail with any weight loss plan. Here are a few tips that can help you find the right weight loss plan and avoid those nasty cravings.

One of the biggest problems with diet plans is that they make it difficult, if not impossible, to stay on because they either leave you hungry all the time or they totally exclude certain food groups. Here's what I mean.

One of the main problems with food cravings is that when you succumb to them you will always eat far too much of whatever you were craving. For example, I can remember one time I was craving Pringles potato chips. What happened? You guessed it, I ate the entire can! And you know how destructive that can be on any weight loss plan.

Why do we get cravings?

Believe it or not, most always it's because we need water. Our body requires 6 ingredients to run right; protein, fat, minerals, carbs and water. So, when your body isn't getting enough of one of these ingredients, it causes a craving for it. Think of when you were really thirsty the last time. You wanted a drink of water in the worst way. It's the same way for all 6 of these food ingredients.

How does this apply to weight loss plans and diets?

Well, when a particular diet program completely eliminates a food group, it leads to you getting cravings. Your body rebels so to speak and you begin feeling miserable. Shortly after that, most everyone ends their diet.

How can you prevent food cravings? As you can probably tell by now, the only way to get rid of cravings is by eating foods from all six groups. With that said though, the key to weight loss success is eating the "good" foods from these six groups and not the junk foods.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a unique weight loss plan that doesn't leave you feeling hungry or getting food cravings throughout the day. You can learn more by going to: Fat Loss 4 Idiots.


How Do You Find The Best Weight Loss Program?

Finding the best weight loss program is often more difficult than actually losing weight. How often have you found yourself going from one diet plan to the next? I know I was like that at one point. It's frustrating to say the least. So, how do you find your best weight loss program anyway?

First, I think it's important to know why people fail with nearly all diet plans. The biggest reason we fail is simply because diet plans are too restrictive in the foods you can eat, amounts of foods, etc. Your body rebels after a short period of time and the diet comes to a halt.

Most diets only allow you to eat enough to survive so to speak. You walk away from a meal still hungry. You can only take that for so long before you say enough is enough.

With that said, here are some quick points to look for in finding your best weight loss program.

1. Variety - You are not restricted in eating a variety of different foods, including some of your favorites.

2. Its healthy - Crash diets end up doing more harm than good when it comes to permanent weight loss. A solid weight loss program will allow you to lose the weight over a longer period of time.

3. You're Not Hungry - Your best weight loss program will allow you to eat at least 4 meals a day and not limit portion sizes to only miniscule amounts that only a bird could live on. It will allow you to become comfortably full, not stuffed.

Keep these tips in mind when looking over a weight loss program. They will help you achieve success and lose the weight you desire.


Fat Loss 4 Idiots Sample Meal Plan

One of the nicer aspects of the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan is the online menu generator. You plug in several of your favorite food choices and the menu generator gives you an 11 day meal plan with 4 meals a day.

In addition, unlike many other popular diet programs, Fat Loss 4 Idiots does not require you to buy any special foods or the expensive pre-packaged foods. You are able to simply continue buying fresh foods at your grocery store as you normally do.

So, what kind of meals will you be eating with the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Plan?

Although everyone is different, here is just a quick sample of a few choices you'll have for a typical day.

Meal 1: Banana milk shake or Oatmeal

Meal 2: Tuna salad or fruit salad

Meal 3: Fish Filet or a sandwich of your choice

Meal 4: Cottage cheese or scrambled eggs meal

At first glance this may not seem like a lot of food, but keep in mind that with Fat Loss 4 Idiots, you are not limited to portion sizes. Also, you are eating 4 meals per day and not the more typical 3 meals a day we are so accustomed to.

One of the goals of this diet plans to become filled up when eating, but not being overly filled. Add in plenty of water and you will be surprised at how easy it is to get through the day. I think we all know what it's like to be on diet programs where you feel starved and struggle to just get through the day.

Of course, most everyone can only take a few days or weeks of it and they quit. This is just one of the reasons Fat Loss 4 Idiots is different. You get to eat foods you enjoy and you get to eat enough that you're not walking away hungry.

You can find out much more about this unique diet program by going to their website at: Fat Loss 4 Idiots


Can You Really Lose 9 Pounds In 11 Days With Fat Loss 4 Idiots?

One of the questions I often get asked about Fat Loss 4 Idiots is "can you really lose 9 pounds in 11 days?" It's a question I'm sure you may even be wondering about. So let's take a closer look.

In answering this question there are really two different answers to it. What? Let me explain and it will make perfect since.

Can you lose 9 pounds in 11 days with Fat Loss 4 Idiots or the Idiot Proof Diet as it is also known as? Absolutely! In fact, I've heard from some people who have lost more than 9 pounds. I've done it myself so I know that it is more than possible. But, this brings up the second answer to this question.

Will you lose 9 pounds in 11 days with Fat Loss 4 Idiots? Probably not. Whoa! What are you talking about? The plan doesn't work? Here is why I say this.

The truth is, there is no weight loss plan that will work for a great majority of people. Why? Because they just won't stick with it or follow the plan faithfully. They will fail for all sorts of reasons or excuses.

Weight loss is hard and for anyone who has tried losing weight you know what I am saying. Now, a diet plan such as Fat Loss 4 Idiots helps to make losing weight as easy as possible. They provide you with everything you could need, but they can't give you the two most important keys to success that you will need, motivation and commitment. That has to come from you, and therein lays the problem with many people.

So, can you lose 9 pounds in 11 days with Fat Loss 4 Idiots? You sure can, but it will require you to commit to it. And if you'll just bring that to the table, then this simple weight loss plan will have you on your way to losing weight, looking better, and feeling healthier! You can find out more by visiting Fat Loss 4 Idiots.


The Top 10 Rules Of Fat Loss

If you have been trying to lose weight, then you know it is a difficult thing to do. Trying to find the best fat loss plan can be even more difficult if you don't know what to look for.

Here is a list of the 10 rules of fat loss to give you help with weight loss. You can use these in figuring out if any diet or weight loss plan is a worthwhile program or not. They will also help you out in losing weight regardless of what type of diet you are on.

10 Rules Of Fat Loss

1. Break away from the 3 meals a day mentality. Begin to eat 4-6 smaller meals a day. It will keep your metabolism running high and burn more fat. Just be sure your meals are healthy and not full of carbs, sugars, etc.

2. Drink more water. I'm sure you have heard that said all the time, but it's true; water is great for your body and your health.

3. Slow down when eating. This is a biggie. The longer you take to chew your food the less you will eat. It also gives your stomach time to tell your brain that it's full.

4. Get some exercise. This is another rule for fat loss that I know you've heard before, but it works. Take the time to get some exercise even if it's only a 20 minute walk every other day.

5. Eat more of your meals at home instead of out. It is so easy to eat fast food or out at restaurants, but this type of eating doesn't mix with weight loss.

6. Cut down or all together out of sweets. Sugar will add on the weight even if the label says it is fat-free.

7. Try drinking green tea. Green tea has shown to have powerful antioxidants and can even help with fat loss.

8. Don't eat until you feel stuffed. Stop when you feel satisfied, even if it means there is still food on your plate. You can really put on extra weight by cleaning your plate only because you feel you have to.

9. Lighten up on the sauces, gravies and other condiments that contain lots of carbs, fats and sugars.

10. Out of the 10 rules of fat loss this is probably the most important one. Once you begin eating healthier and losing weight, keep it up. Don't let yourself fall back into the old habits or you can quickly gain it all back plus some.

These 10 rules of fat loss are a great way to lose weight and accelerate a weight loss program or diet plan.