
Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Will It Really Help Me Lose The Weight?

If you're like me, you probably already know the main advantage of Fat Loss 4 Idiots is that you can loose up to 11 pounds in 9 days. But, this diet also has benefits past just losing the weight you want. It will help you develop lifelong patterns of healthy eating, keep your metabolism and energy levels up, and help you stay fit and trim, among others.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots helps keep your metabolism and energy levels up, by having you eat four times a day. When you eat less food, more often, it helps keep your metabolism high and your energy level constant. Not only will you feel better, have more energy, and easily fight fatigue--your high metabolism will help burn calories quicker, for the rest of your life, as long as you stay in the habit!

Eating less, more often, also helps shrink your stomach, as long as you follow the Fat Loss 4 Idiots instructions and eat until satisfied (but not stuffed). This will help you to pig out less. You won't just lose weight--you'll keep it off as well! Even when you're done with the diet, you'll still keep the healthier eating habits for the rest of your life!

A lot of people eat too many fats and carbs and not enough protein. While this isn't some sort of masochistic "eat bacon all day" Atkins-like diet--it includes fruits and vegetables and pretty much everything you love to eat!--it will get you in the habit of eating correct amounts of protein.

Eating protein boosts a hormone that staves off hunger. Peptide YY, or PYY, has been shown to increase weight-loss by 1/3 when eaten in its proper amounts. While the program isn't some hardcore bacon-eating diet like Atkins, it does make sure you get your right amount of protein--which many of us simply don't get.

The average American gets almost fifty percent of his or her calories from carbohydrates, and only 16% from protein. It's estimated that those few people living in hunter-gatherer societies take in about twice that in protein. You can find pictures on the Internet of people living in the few remaining hunter-gatherer societies--do any of those people look fat?

Probably the biggest advantage though, is that Fat Loss For Idiots is an easy diet to do. No system shock when going off carbs. No high-priced Jenny Craig or Nutrisystem meals to buy. And most importantly, you don't have to suddenly discipline yourself like a drill sergeant every time you sit down to a meal.

All in all, Fat Loss 4 Idiots has plenty of "lose weight and keep it off" advantages, without any of the disadvantages of other diets. You can find out more by going to Fat Loss 4 Idiots


Fat Loss 4 Idiots - What It IS And What It IS NOT

There is no question that the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet system is one of the most popular online diets for 3 years now. But, it's still a great idea to check out the pros and cons with any weight loss plan. Naturally, you've heard all the things that Fat Loss 4 Idiots is supposed to be, but let's take a quick look at what it's not.

1. It is not a low-carb diet. Low-carb diets are all the rage, so let's go ahead and get this out of the way right now. Fat Loss 4 Idiots is not a low-carb diet and it never will be. Low-carb diets are just too difficult to stay with.

They're not very healthy for you either, if you have almost any physical activity in your day. Those of you who've tried leading an active life while on a low-carb diet know the light-headed, weak feeling I'm talking about. And speaking of light-headed, did you know that carbohydrates are essential for brain function?

2. It is not a low-calorie diet. Low calorie diets don't tend to work very well after the first couple of days. Why? On the physical end, your metabolism slows down. Your body tends to "worry" about whether it's going to get enough food, and will begin to actually "save" more food as fat, when it's not getting the food it's used to. It prepares itself for the famine that your new eating habits have signaled that is ahead.

There is also the psychological factor--it's hard to keep from being cranky when you feel hungry all the time. Add this with the fatigue that comes with not getting enough energy (the calorie is a measure of energy). Add in the fact that eating fewer calories leaves you feeling even hungrier, and you'll see why so many people have problems with low-calorie diets.

3. It's not a low-fat diet. Fatty acids, like carbs, are essential to brain function. Several essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals are fat soluble, meaning they need fat to digest into your system. Fat Loss for Idiots won't have you eating fat in overly healthy amounts, but it won't cut them out of your diet either.

4. It's not Weight Watcher's, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, or anything else designed to have you buy pre-packaged frozen foods. Fat Loss for Idiots isn't out to make money off you by selling you some special food line. The diet has a web-based meal generator that won't try and sell you frozen meals in a box. It won't even tell you where to shop. What it will do is tell you what you can choose to eat to loose fat.

So--what IS Fat Loss 4 Idiots? It's a meal plan that lets you pick what healthy foods you want to eat, and then shows you how to eat them throughout your day. It boosts your metabolism and energy level by calorie switching, changing the kinds of food you eat from meal to meal. It also--big plus--plans out four meals a day!

Well you've read plenty of what other people tell you the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is. I hope you've gained something by learning a little about what it's not!

You can learn more about this plan by going to: Fat Loss 4 Idiots


Fat Loss 4 Idiots And Understanding Calories For Weight Loss

The word calorie is often thrown left and right by anyone discussing weight loss. Yet very seldom do people understand the real meaning of calories, and their purpose in losing weight. In the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Plan they teach you about the importance of calories, but here is a brief look at some common myths about calories, and how you can use calories to lose weight.

The first common myth of the calorie is that all calories are created equal. In fact, some weight loss "experts" would even recommend eating anything you want, and as long as your calorie intake is less than your calories used, you'll lose weight. Neither of these are the case, and trying to lose weight in this manner is a guaranteed recipe for failure. How many of us have been there and done that?

A calorie is only as good as its source. An un-enriched slice of white bread and an organic mango may have the same calorie value, but the body's ability to break it down into useable energy, not to mention its nutritional value, is nowhere close.

By eating high-calorie and low-nutrition foods, it's entirely possible to be over-eating and being under-nourished. This is a sure formula for obesity. Instead, by eating high-nutrition foods and avoiding toxic foods (which includes limiting your meat intake, particularly non-lean-meats,) you can still eat a lot and successfully lose weight.

Keeping track of your calories may be a good idea for understanding your own body. Keep a notebook of what foods you ate and your daily activities, plus their corresponding calorie values. By recording and going over your food choices, you can learn from the results of your habits and change them to whatever suits you best.

Understanding calories is much more than simply counting how much you're eating and how much you're exercising. Understanding the quality of the calories you're taking in is just as important, if not more. Losing weight involves nurturing your body to its natural form -- not starving an already under-nourished body even further to achieve a certain look.

You can find out more about calories and losing weight by going to: Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fat Loss 4 Idiots vs. The Atkins Diet - And The Winner Is...

Fat Loss 4 Idiots has been one of, if not the, most popular online diet plan for several years now. The Atkins diet also remains a popular diet, even though it's been shown time and time again to be unhealthy in several different ways. With that said, here are four reasons why I believe Fat Loss 4 Idiots is better.

1. Fat Loss for Idiots is easier on your heart.
A study was recently done--and presented at the annual American Heart Association meeting--about the effect of three different diets on heart health. (The other two were South Beach and the Ornish diet). Lead researcher Michael Miller of U Maryland Med Center, stated, "It really is Atkins that's the worst."

It was found to contribute to the likelihood of heart trouble in several ways, not the least of which was raising cholesterol. And if you'll just Google "Atkins heart" (you don't even have to add the word "problems" to your search…but of course you can) you'll have no problem finding results for heart attacks, blockages, and other problems.

2. Fat Loss 4 Idiots gives you a wider variety of foods.
Bacon burger with lettuce and no bun. Expensive breads, wraps, and other carb substitutes that taste like cardboard. A great big steaming pile of sausage with a little bit of mustard on top. Sound appetizing? Just call it "Atkins Fine Dining". Wouldn't you rather try a diet that lets you eat a variety of foods? Me too.

3. Fat Loss for Idiots helps you learn healthy eating habits, so you can keep weight off once it's lost.

You won't be getting the typical "protein crash" for several weeks or months, and then going back to the old eating habits that got you into trouble in the first place. The fat loss diet helps you get into healthy and satisfying eating patterns.

4. You get to eat carbs!
If you've tried any low-carb diet before, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't, then trust me--you don't want to find out!

It's for these reasons and many others that I believe Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the better diet program to lose weight fast and then keep it off. You can find out more by going to their website at: Fat Loss 4 Idiots

The Best Weight Loss Foods

Bear in mind that the phrase "Best weight loss foods" can be quite misleading, since no food on its own can make people lose weight directly. The way things go is that the best weight loss foods available will not contain anything that will make your body gain weight. As a bonus, some of these foods for weight loss are also high in fiber, which help the body's digestion become more efficient, and also aid in cleansing the stomach of toxins.

Foods That Help in Losing Weight

Fresh Fruits And Produce
Most of these types of food have no fat content and have very few calories. Additional benefits include their ability to prevent or combat cell damage and cancer. If the vegetable is greeen, it is great for weight loss. To maximize the benefits of vegetables, be sure to watch how you cook them. Avoid the oils and butter in preparing them.

Wholegrain foods
These include muesli, oatmeal, wholemeal pasta and some types of bread and pastries. Whole grains are also high in fiber, which makes people feel full and satisfied longer, which means a person who ate them is less likely to eat unhealthy snacks between meals.

Boiled Brown Rice
Not only does boiled brown rice taste better than plain whites, they are also extremely nutritious, containing a substantial amount of B vitamins along with protein, phosphorus, selenium and iron. Most important in terms of weight loss is its high fiber content, which makes it ideal for elimination of fatty acids and toxins.

Fresh Fish
Fish meat is much, much better than red meat due to its low saturated fat content, and the amount of protein it contains is almost the same as an equivalent red meat, minus the cholesterol. However, fish tend to spoil faster than beef, pork, or chicken so you need to look for fresh fish and cook them the same day they were bought. You also need to consider if you have allergies to fish, which seem to be more allergenic than red meat.

These are just a few of the best foods for weight loss that can help with any diet plan, including Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

The First Steps To Lose Weight Fast

For anyone starting a diet or weight loss plan, it goes without saying that you would like to lose weight fast. And while there are no miracle pills to make the weight vanish, there are some basic things you can do to help.

Before you even get to the point of trying to lose weight, you should sit down and ask yourself why you are overweight? By knowing the reasons why, you can then tailor a weight loss plan around them.

Are you overweight because you simply are not active or getting any exercise? This is a common reason of course, but just by implementing some physical activity with a sound nutritional diet plan can have you slimming down fast.

Are you overweight due to emotional reasons? It is quite common for men and women to gain extra weight due to an emotional trauma. It could be from a break-up, death in the family, finances or any number of reasons for that matter. By getting to the root cause you can then develop a plan of action to overcome it.

Finally, if you have a history of obesity in your family, you could find yourself becoming overweight as well. But, that doesn't mean you can't overcome it. You'll need to put extra effort into it, but with the right diet plan you can lose the weight.

Once you discover the reasons behind being overweight you can then begin taking the steps that will help you lose weight fast.