
Beyond Calories - A New Add-On For The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Program

Fat Loss 4 Idiots just recently came out with an add-on book for their best selling online diet plan called "Beyond Calories". This new option takes the program to an even higher level for those who are committed to losing weight.

What is Beyond Calories?

It's an ebook that talks about using H.S. foods to lose even more weight. You learn all about H.S. Foods in the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

It provides detailed examples of how to increase the number of meals you eat each day while taking off even more weight. Although this may seem hard to believe, you'll see exactly how it works in the book.

There are also dieting tips, tricks and secrets that you can incorporate into your daily schedule.
I've recently started using Beyond Calories and I am noticing some results with it, so it does do what it says it will.

Is this something you really need?

I wouldn't say Beyond Calories is something that everyone needs. In fact, it probably isn't for most people, which may surprise you to hear. It requires some additional effort, time and commitment in order to see optimal results.

The Fat loss 4 Idiots diet plan does a great job on its own in helping people lose weight. But, with that said, if you are committed and want to ramp up your weight loss results, Beyond Calories is a good addition.


Anonymous said...

I recently purchase the "Beyond Calories" diet and in the "allowable drink" section it does not say anything about fat free milk, does anyone know if this is "allowable"?

Terry said...

Nice question. It has been my understanding that this is allowed with Fat Loss 4 Idiots and there are no problems with it.

I have also been asked in an email about green tea and that is also fine. I know there are many other great health benefits with green tea other than weight loss.