
The Idiot Proof Diet Handbook - Losing Weight By Shifting Calories

Inside the Fat Loss 4 Idiots weight loss program is the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook. Among the many topics covered is the basic premise behind the success of Fat Loss 4 Idiots, which is shifting calories.

What is shifting calories?

As I'm sure you may already know, losing 5-10 pounds your first week or two in most any diet plan is not difficult. I say that because it's largely water weight we all lose.

Beyond that, it is also the reduction in starch filled carbohydrates and calories.

It seems that after those initial first couple of weeks it gets tougher to continue losing the weight. This is due in large part to your body getting used to your new eating habits.

It is amazing at how smart your body can be. It senses the changes and then adapts to the new lifestyle.

Where Fat Loss 4 Idiots and the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook are so different is that they change the diet and menu plan on a daily basis. This in turn keeps your body's metabolism running high. The result is burning increased amounts of calories and most importantly, more fat.

Instead of your body being able to adjust to regular eating habits, it is kept running at a higher level. Then, with the menu generator that the plan provides, you will be eating the right foods at the right time of day to maximize your weight loss.

You can learn more about shifting calories here at Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Plan.

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