
The 10 Pillars Of Weight Loss Success With Fat Loss 4 Idiots

The pillars of success with Fat Loss 4 Idiots are built around 10 simple weight loss rules.

Although I can't go through exactly what is contained in the diet plan due to legal issues, I can share the major topics.

1. 4 meals per day spaced out 2 1/2 hours apart.

2. Make all of your meals at home.

3. Shifting of calories - This is of major importance and is thoroughly detailed in the Idiot Proof Diet Handbook.

4. Drink a lot of water throughout the day.

5. Rotate your meals every day. For example, carb meals one day and protein meals the next.

6. Walk for exercise. This will really increase your results quick.

7. Lay off sweets and snacks as much as possible.

8. Know when to quit eating during a meal.

9. Drink the right drinks - Highly sugared sodas won't help anyone lose weight.

10. Avoid a lot of sauces with your food.

These 10 rules are only a quick overview. You can learn much more about these on their website at Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

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