The Jenny Craig Diet Plan
Jenny Craig Diet Plan Overview
With Jenny Craig, like Weight Watchers and others, you will need to visit one of their weight loss centers to get started.
The weight loss consultant will then talk with you and get you set up on your own diet plan that matches up with your body type and weight loss goals.
With the Jenny Craig diet plan you will be expected to buy your meals through them. (More on that in a moment)
Jenny Craig is similar to other popular diet plans in that it is a high protein, low carb plan.
Along with the weekly meetings with your weight loss consultant you also have access to an online forum where you can ask questions and relate experiences with the program.
Is Jenny Craig Right For You?
There is no doubt that the Jenny Craig diet plan will help you lose weight. However, the main issue is in the cost. The average person will spend $125-$150 on food each week. If you are single, this can be a good solution. But if you have a family, you will have to factor in this extra cost since you'll still be buying groceries for the rest of the family too.
The Popcorn Diet Plan - You've Got To Be Kidding Me
It seems that picking a single food item and making it into a weight loss plan is the "in" thing to do these days. We have seen the Special K diet plan and the Subway diet plan as just two examples, but I think the popcorn plan may be taking this a bit too far.
So, how does the popcorn diet plan work anyway?
Well, just like most every other diet plan it tries to get you to adjust your daily eating habits to include more nutritious foods, fruits and vegetables in them. It also encourages regular exercise and drinking more water. As we all know, this is good basic advice regardless of what kind of weight loss diet you are on.
Where does the popcorn fit in?
This is what you are to eat for snacks and in between meals. Now I love popcorn just as much as anyone, but to eat it several times a day will get old very quick. Not only that, but the kind of popcorn you can eat is not that great. I mean, no butter or salt? It sure isn't your typical tub of movie popcorn! Although this type of popcorn is not that bad for you the taste isn't that good either.
Seriously, the number one problem with all of these specific food diet plans like Special K or the popcorn diet plan is that they get old so quickly. Even if it is a chocolate diet you can only eat it for so long before it is not that appetizing anymore.
Obviously, the popcorn diet plan is not a long term weight loss solution. Your best bet will always be to find a weight loss program that allows you to eat a wide variety of foods you like and to use those foods in maximising your weight loss.
Beyond Calories - A New Add-On For The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Program
What is Beyond Calories?
It's an ebook that talks about using H.S. foods to lose even more weight. You learn all about H.S. Foods in the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.
It provides detailed examples of how to increase the number of meals you eat each day while taking off even more weight. Although this may seem hard to believe, you'll see exactly how it works in the book.
There are also dieting tips, tricks and secrets that you can incorporate into your daily schedule.
I've recently started using Beyond Calories and I am noticing some results with it, so it does do what it says it will.
Is this something you really need?
I wouldn't say Beyond Calories is something that everyone needs. In fact, it probably isn't for most people, which may surprise you to hear. It requires some additional effort, time and commitment in order to see optimal results.
The Fat loss 4 Idiots diet plan does a great job on its own in helping people lose weight. But, with that said, if you are committed and want to ramp up your weight loss results, Beyond Calories is a good addition.
Suzanne Somers Diet Plan - Is It Just Hollywood Hype?
So, is her latest entry, the Suzanne Somers diet plan, or Somersizing as it's also known as, a serious weight loss program?
The major underlying theme with her plan is eliminating sugar and white flour as well as eating low carb, high protein foods.
The diet plan calls for eating 5-6 small meals a day, which can be beneficial. Plenty of water intake is encouraged which is also standard in any plan.
Her plan is also big on food combining and is really more of a recipe collection than a diet plan it seems.
Calorie intake is limited to 1200 calories per day, which is very low and may not be healthy for all dieters. Remember, the USDA says diets that are 1200 calories and below are in the starvation diet category.
Fiber intake is also limited in the Suzanne Somers diet plan and that may cause a constipation problem in time.
Another positive with this diet is that junk food is eliminated as well as sugared drinks.
Exercise is really not encouraged with this diet and I found that a little odd since Suzanne Somers promotes so many fitness products.
Is this a diet plan that works well? While you can lose weight with the Suzanne Somers diet plan, the foods you are allowed to eat are quite restrictive and the calories limits are low. It will be difficult to make this a long term dieting solution for the average dieter.
The Grapefruit Diet Plan - Is It Right For You?
The plan claims that if you follow it precisely you'll lose 10 pounds in 12 days. But what you might not realize is that the plan provides for only 800 calories a day. Why is that an issue!
The USDA has set a threshold of 1200 calories as being safe. Anything below 1200 calories per day is considered a starvation diet. So, 800 calories is going to leave you feeling miserable, not to mention the harm it can do.
The grapefruit diet plan has a meal schedule that includes some of the following:
- A grapefruit with every meal
- No desserts or snacks
- No eating between meals
- 8 full glasses of water a day
- Eat until you are full
According to several studies done on this diet plan the results have been all over the map. Some dieters lost 30 pounds following the plan while others lost only 2-3 pounds.
There is no doubt that grapefruit is nutritious and will help with weight loss, but eating one with every meal would be extremely difficult to do for more than a few days to a week. There is also a caution for anyone who is taking medications and considering the grapefruit diet plan. Talk with your doctor first.
Although you can lose weight with the grapefruit diet, I can't recommend it as a weight loss solution. There are just too many underlying issues in being on the plan and maintaining your health. The right solution is finding a diet plan that allows you to eat a wide variety of foods while also maximizing weight loss. That's the combination that will keep you happy and produce results.
Laxatives And Weight Loss - A Bad Diet Plan
1. It doesn't work - laxatives simply do not work for losing weight. The weight you do lose is only water weight, not fat loss.
The laxative causes your body to use up a great amount of water, which is why you may notice a drop on the scales. But, this is not sustainable. Once you drink water or other liquids, the weight returns.
2. It's hard on your system - I think it goes without saying that taking laxatives every day is doing a great deal of harm to your body. It tears up your intestines, colon and digestive tract. In some cases it even causes death.
3. The truth - Laxatives and weight loss have been researched for several years now. An example of their findings shows how this weight loss method simply does not work.
One group of people was given a meal filled with thousands of calories to eat. After eating, this group did nothing different but carried on their normal activity.
The second group at the same identical high calorie meal, but then took their laxatives as they had been doing before. Bowel movements were then studied and the findings proved their point. The ones who took laxatives had only 100 fewer calories in their bowel movements than those who did nothing.
It proves that laxatives do not remove the calories from your body. The small intestine absorbs them before pushing them through the rest of your digestive tract.
The bottom line? Laxatives and weight loss should never be a part of anyone's diet plan.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots vs. Cabbage Soup Diet
Fat Loss 4 Idiots
This diet plan is very simple and requires no special foods. It features a unique and easy to use menu generator which produces your 11 day meal plan. You input 14 of your favorite foods and the generator gives you 4 different meals per day.
After 11 days the plan allows you 3 days of eating whatever foods you wish. Then, you start a new 11 day cycle. This has shown to be very effective and it makes staying on the diet plan much easier since you have something to look forward to every 11 days.
Cabbage Soup Diet Plan/Mayo Clinic Diet
The Cabbage Soup Diet Plan, which is also known as the Mayo Clinic Diet is an altogether different type of weight loss plan. It is basically designed for a short term solution to quickly lose weight.
As the name implies the Cabbage Soup diet calls for eating an unlimited amount of cabbage soup.
The reason behind that is because there are very few calories in cabbage soup.
There is more to this diet plan of course, but that is where things get strange. On one day the plan will also allow you to eat fruit along with the cabbage soup, while the next day you can eat rice, but no fruit.
I enjoy cabbage soup myself, but a steady diet of it day after day just doesn't work. I'm sure most everyone would feel the same. But, you can see how it would work in producing fast weight loss. It's just that this isn't sustainable and not the most healthy way to lose weight.
The Diet Patch - A Complete Scam
This is one I get in my email box from time to time. The email tells me that by wearing this diet patch on my body that the fat will just disappear. You don't even need to diet or exercise either. Wow! Wouldn't that be great?
The email goes on to say that you can get the diet patch for $49, or some other ridiculous price, and begin, to see immediate results. Of course, it doesn't work and the only thing that you've accomplished is throwing your money away on another weight loss scam.
Sadly, many people fall for this hype in their angst of wanting to lose weight with something that appears to be so easy. Companies make millions of dollars before slipping away from authorities once the scam is exposed.
The FTC does manage to get some of these crooks before they can get slip away though, as evidenced by the case against "Peel Away The Pounds".
This company sold a diet patch the company claimed would do everything I mentioned above. After the FTC got a hold of them they reached a $1,000,000 settlement for false claims about their product.
We all wish that weight loss could be as simple as wearing a diet patch, but the fact is they just don't work. Finding a solid, proven weight loss system will always be your best bet.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots And Walking
Most people hear the word exercise and immediately think of someone at the gym in gray sweats huffing and puffing with sweat rolling off of them everywhere. Yuck! That's not the exercise I'm talking about.
Did you know that walking is about the best form of exercise you can get? Combined with a diet plan, such as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, it can dramatically increase your weight loss results.
There is no need to join the gym or health club, unless you want to of course. And I'm not saying you shouldn't, but just about anyone can go out for a walk. All it takes is a brisk 25-30 minute walk 3 times a week to see some great results.
What I also discovered with walking is how it reduced my stress level. The cares and concerns of the day start to fade away while you walk. It clears your mind and lets you think more clearly. In fact, the health and fitness benefits from walking are enormous and can't be overstated.
So, if you are on the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, or any other diet plan for that matter, add some walking to your weight loss plan and watch your results soar even higher!
Fat Loss 4 Idiots – Quick And Easy Weight Loss Tips
1. Drink Water – Yes, it's a no-brainer type of tip, but you know what? It really works. If you can commit to drinking 6 glasses of water every day, especially one before eating, you will see even better results in losing weight. It helps make you seem fuller and you will eat less.
2. Eat Meals At The Table – This one is so true. I tested this myself before getting serious and starting on the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet plan. Eating in front of the TV almost always led me to overeat. I found myself piling the food onto my plate or eating second helpings. But, eating at the dining room table was different. I would eat and talk with the family and then take the dishes to the kitchen. This tip works!
3. Never Shop Hungry – This is another biggie and one that I have been guilty of in the past. You go to the grocery store after work and buy all kinds of fattening foods. Not only does your weight go up, but your food bill does as well! When you shop after eating you will notice that all that junk food doesn't seem so yummy now.
These 3 tips are just a few that can really help with any weight loss goal you have. Combined with a program like the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet you'll quickly begin achieving more success.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots - How Can You Stay Motivated?
That's the hard part isn't it? I have had many days where I really wanted to "cheat" and eat whatever I liked. It was tough to stay committed, but my motivation has helped carry me through. And it will do the same for you too!
Some examples of how I stay motivated and stick with my diet plan include some things that may seem sill. When I first started I went out and bought a pair of blue jeans in the size I wanted to see myself at.
Although I couldn't even get them half-way pulled up, I knew that if I stuck with Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, I would get there eventually! So, I would get the jeans out and remember what my goal was. It helped keep me motivated during the tough days.
What is your motivation? Whatever it is, make it real. Having something to look at in front of you can make your weight loss goal easier to succeed at. Your mind can play tricks with you, but seeing what you want in front of you is powerful.
No doubt, Fat Loss 4 Idiots has given me the plan and the tools I needed, but a simple pair of blue jeans gave me the motivation when I found myself needing it.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots – The Hard Part…Staying Committed
Since I've been on the Fat Loss 4 Idiots plan I have had a lot of people come up and ask me how I lost my weight. What did I do? Well, during the course of the conversation they always ask me if the program would work for them. Of course it will, but only if you make a commitment.
Losing weight is tough, but trying to do it without being committed in your mind is nearly impossible. It would be a very rare case for anyone to achieve success without making a commitment.
So, before starting the Fat Loss 4 Idiots weight loss program, or any other program, ask yourself if you are truly committed to following the plan and sticking with it?
I have had some wonderful success with Fat Loss 4 Idiots, but I have had my share of tough days along the way. Days when I wanted to pig out so to speak on McDonalds or something else. I'm sure you know what I mean. But, because I made a strong commitment that this was going to be the time I was going to lose the weight once and for all and that I was going to stick to this no matter what, I have seen success.
In my next post I will talk about motivation and how I keep myself motivated to sticking with my commitment. I know you will enjoy reading it.